Teaching is a difficult job - I don't care what anyone else says. I created this blog to record some of the little things children do every day that make me laugh and remind me why I love being a teacher.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Colouring-In Smackdown

One day before school last year, one of my grade ones came running to me with an envelope with my name written on it. When I got back to my room and opened it up I found this folded up inside. I love it! Despite what it says at the bottom, this is not a depiction of me (I hope). I'm not sure what it was about this colouring page that he thought would appeal to me but nonetheless I love the minimal colouring with attention to lipstick. I believe this guy might be a wrestler but I'm not sure. The guy has one thick neck.


  1. Oh my god, this brings me to tears! I love this blog! Keep 'em coming. Also, if you're interested, I have a classroom blog you might want to check out www.hooverartroom.blogspot.com.

  2. I adore the little things that kids do each day from their BIG hearts. Wonderful Blog!
